Quote Originally Posted by AlifBaa View Post
I don't see a reason to draw a distinction between combatives and PT.
"PT" is a misnomer. It is more appropriately called physical conditioning. Combatives is training on a set of skills.

I've got no problem with a bunch of jui-jitsu blackbelts using a combatives session as their day of "PT." I do have a problem with Soldiers who are not proficient in combatives spending an hour grappling, with the focus on a cardio workout, rather than focusing on technique. When you practice the wrong technique - which is more likely to occur when you first practice it while exhausted - then you develop motor memory of the wrong technique. Learn the technique, get it right (in other words, train). Then, when you're proficient, you can do it while exhausted for your day of conditioning.

We don't do stress shoots before basic rifle marksmanship. Likewise, I see no logic in learning combatives during hours of "PT."