Omerali asked:
If its not totally classified, can anyone enlighten us about the current level of cooperation between the US/NATO and the Pakistani army?
I understand that the Western coalition have offered places on COIN training courses for mid-rank officers. Whether the Pakistani Army has resumed courses in the USA is unknown here; historically this was for senior officers.

IIRC the UK has not had Pakistani cadets at Sandhurst for a long time, although there is one Afghan there now.

The Frontier Corps has an external training mission, IIRC the US was working with the FC's SF unit months ago.

Much was made over a year plus ago that there was a tripartite commission between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the coalition - based in Kabul. Again IIRC there was an Islamabad-based aspect too.

There have been repeated comments that many of the drone attacks are a response to Pakistani requests and intelligence. Leaving aside that one Pakistani AFB is a drone base.

Given the often reported Pakistani Army anger at US interventions, visits and more one can only wonder at the reality of co-operation.
