It could be funny if it was not that serious:

South Sudan and Kenya are on the edge to be at war. Well, may be it is just a remake of India Vs Pakistan in the fifties when British generals were playing with new born countries' armies.
Anyway, Kenya, who is training the new SPLA tanks' crew, has deploy several tanks on the border close to Lokichokio, in Nadapal. SPLA has done the same on his side of the border.

The escalation is due to regular cattle raids from Toposa tribe youth in Kenya to steal Turkana tribe cattle.
Both Toposa (SouthSudan) and Turkana (Kenyan) do not recognise the border and are claiming the ownership over the grazing land between Kapoeta in South Sudan and Lokichokio in Kenya. Elders have even come out with old British colonial maps to support their claims…

Who said Africa does not have written history?

Security beefed at border after attacks
By Isaiah Lucheli
The Government has established four security bases near the Kenya-South Sudan border.
Labour Minister John Munyes explained that security had been beefed up following attacks by Toposa raiders, which had led to the deaths of more than 40 Turkana herdsmen and theft of over 3,500 livestock.
Mr Munyes said bolstering security near the border was part of the Government’s plan to secure its international boundaries.
"The Government is committed to establishing Customs and Immigration offices on the country’s borders. The Immigration offices at Lokichogio are 25km away from the border. This has to change," he said.
Munyes said the decision was reached during a Cabinet meeting and that the migration offices would be built on the border points in Rift Valley, Coast, Nyanza, Western and North Eastern provinces.
He appealed to Kenya and Sudanese governments not to condone militia who attacked the innocent.
"A recent incident where Toposa militia shot at Kenyan security forces at the border should not be condoned. South Sudan Government should take the issue seriously," he said.
Munyes, however, said the Government should take blame on the escalating cases of boundary disputes with neighbouring countries due to lack of commitment in handling the Migingo Island issue.
"We have been lax while handling border disputes. This has set a bad precedent and other countries are encroaching onto our territory. This must stop," he said.

About the hostage in Darfur

Red Cross says has contact with abductors of French worker
October 24, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Red Cross said on Saturday it succeeded to establish contact with the kidnappers of a French staffer in the restive region of Darfur.
Gauthier Lefevre, 35, was abducted on Thursday as he was returning with other ICRC staff to El-Geneina after completing a field trip north of the capital of West Darfur to help local communities upgrade their water supply systems.
"The first contact was made yesterday (Friday)" said Tamara Al-Rifai the spokesperson of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Khartoum. She further said the abductors had not made any "specific demands" and that "for the moment, we do not know anything about their motives."
Sudanese government officials condemned the abduction and described the kidnappers as bandits.
Last week, kidnappers released two staffers of the Irish GOAL after spending three months in captivity. Also two civilian from the hybrid peace keeping mission are still in detention since their kidnapping last August
UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan condemned today the abduction saying it "serves nothing but to undermine humanitarian work in the region, at the sole expense of those who benefit from such endeavour."
“It harms the chances of creating a safe and secure environment for delivering humanitarian relief and impacts negatively on our ability to deliver food and basic health and welfare services in areas where they are most needed,” added Ms. Haq.
US came with a new plan… here is the Khartoum answer…
Could that be the new form of tomorrow war?
UN peace keepers declare the conflict is finished and to make sure no one could tell another story the parties abduct relief workers to conduct operations and massacres in peace.
We probably face here a deviant replication of the media control from those last years into small wars.

Tom, can you add Sudan on the list of chaos countries?