Quote Originally Posted by Meh View Post

It looks like I'll be briefing some people tomorrow on why the Taliban is kicking our backsides in the IO department. If any of you have any unconventional thoughts on the matter, please pm me and I'll pass them on to the government people I'll be talking to, with appropriate credit given to whom it's due.


1-The Taliban are locals, and they know what messages/delivery methods resonate with the locals. How many ISAF propaganda videos are for sale in the bazaars? How many Taliban propaganda videos are for sale? What's the content of those videos? Why/how does it appeal to rural Pashtuns? Oh, and by the way, posting stuff on USFOR-A's Facebook page, or other Internet sites doesn't count. The vast majority of Afghans don't use the Internet.

2-Where are the radio stations? Why isn't one located on/near every FOB? And don't try to pull the AFN gloss job on the news. Afghans are smart, and they know when someone is trying to manipulate them.