Quote Originally Posted by IntelTrooper View Post
And handing out pamphlets trying to explain complex concepts with stick figures is not a good substitute.
Actually ... handing out pamphlets without an ability to communicate F2F and explain the meaning behind the stick figures is the issue ... not the product itself. Handbills have very good success in increasing understanding if we get in and explain them (they are then used for further education/information within the community) as we distribute. This means going through and identifying all the elements of the imagery at a very basic level (like you'd do for a two-year old kid -- this is your Mullah, this is an ISAF soldier -- he's here to help you, this is Terry -- he's bad, this is you -- see your beard is the same) The issue is when we air drop 100,000 leaflets and let Terry come out of the hills and provide his interpretation of what is meant by the imagery or just give them to units to distribute without guidance on how to do it. Product rarely stands alone in an environment like AFG ... convincing people that we need to do more than just hand them out as a tasker is the issue.