I would think that for Intelligence to be Strategic it would need to be that information to be collected in support of some Strategy. Or more important in support of some Grand Strategy, which during the Cold War dealt partially with containment but also with insuring that our internal economic and social conditions were sound and we were prospering as a nation in order to avoid war.

As I mentioned earlier on another thread one of the first houses my parents bought was totally electric because our future plan (as a Nation)was to build atomic power plants to power our future electictronics....Our Electric future as it was called and was part of the marketing plan at the housing development.

I have not seen anything close to any type of National Plan since then, exception was Carter's plan to reduce our dependence on foreign Oil, which was rescinded by Regan and we have been going down hill ever since.

Sort of a ramble but my point is before we start to collect Intelligence maybe we should develop a National Strategy First which would include an Energy Policy of the highest priority.

Other than that you are going to end up with an ever growing list of motivated targets looking for opportunities.