Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
The answer is no, both the Contras and the Northern Alliance were acting under the legal authorization and cooperation of the US military and Congress (an act War) against what were/are stated to be enemies of the US. Part 2 of your question is yes, true non-state actors are criminals.

It's not April, 1st yet!
Seriously, you cannot believe this *certainly not allowed language*.

To quote Schmedlap:
Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
If there is a government that has a monopoly on the lawful use of force and some private organization comes along and decides that it is going to violate that monopoly arrangement, then yes. They're criminals.
THAT GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT except if it's happening on U.S. territory.

It's far beyond my limits of understanding how certain Americans think. Seriously, far beyond. It's like how Monty Python invented its sketches - I cannot imagine and I know nobody personally who can imagine how that works. It's too absurd.

I mean; think of it: Would you consider AQ a legal force if it gets endorsed by PR China? That idea is so absurd - it exceeds my English vocabulary.