What I found interesting is that Hoh came across as very thoughtful, bright, and deeply concerned about our policies. The conversation reminded me of many of the discussions on SWJ.
I'm deeply disappointed at the amount of shoot the messenger posts that have absolutely no substance. Far below the norm for SWJ.

I heard one of Hoh's interviews also, and he was very thoughtful, whether you agree with his assertions or not. He asked some hard questions that he hoped would be discussed. Instead, at least in this forum we sound like some overly opinionated media person who is incapable of seriously addressing the facts, but perfectly capable of slander.

Someone many of us respect named McMasters wrote a book titled the "Dereliction of Duty" that highlighted the failure of officers to take a moral stand. It is easy to see how our culture encourages this.

Hoh's observations are very much in synch with another respected author named Kilkullen.

For Steve the Planner, if the plan is flawed, is it still wrong to question it? You are too quick to slay this kid, and didn't address any of his points. Agree or disagree he had the right to offer his resignation. I too would like to know who surfaced the letter publically, and I'm sure the list of suspects is a long one, but that really isn't the point now, the issue is public, time to discuss the points he surfaced.