Quote Originally Posted by omarali50 View Post
Bill, would you regard FOX as a generally honest network, brimming with common sense?
In my opinion, the rot runs deeper than conservative or liberal. I dont want to start an endless argument, but I can think of many areas where Rush Limbaugh is not an honest reporter and shamelessly spins the news to suit a particular agenda...and I do think his agenda is NOT Christian or conservative, at least not in the sense in which either Christianity or conservatism have been understood by many of their most fervent and sincere adherents (of course, my own point about there being no reference version, only versions, comes in the way of my making too much about how this or that person is not "really Christian"..).
For the record:

Rush Limbaugh is not a part of Fox News. (Rush's agenda is Rush.)

Please define really Christian.

Whatever they are talking about on TV/Radio, they are talking about money.

The Bible speaks to money more than any other topic.

Whatever turns out to be Hasan's core motivation, there should zero tolerance for those who "sleep in the bunk house, but won't ride for the brand."