Quote Originally Posted by Ops-n-Intel View Post
For the record:

Rush Limbaugh is not a part of Fox News. (Rush's agenda is Rush.)

Please define really Christian.

Whatever they are talking about on TV/Radio, they are talking about money.

The Bible speaks to money more than any other topic.

Whatever turns out to be Hasan's core motivation, there should zero tolerance for those who "sleep in the bunk house, but won't ride for the brand."
I think I tried to hint that based on my own previous comments, I couldnt really take this "really Christian or not" argument too far.
True, Rush is not on Fox. I should have picked on O'Riley or (god forbid) Glenn Beck.
I agree one thousand percent with your last comment. All murders are murders, but this particular outrage is ESPECIALLY outrageous because the bastard put on a uniform, served with these people and then turned around and killed them in cold blood. That is just heinous, dishonorable, totally f-ed up and utterly unexcusable. I am generally not in favor of the death penalty, but in this case, that would be the minimum punishment.