
You hit it right. I presented their views, not mine.

Dorronsorro may, in fact, be directly or indirectly arguing for partition, or at least, substantial independent regional alignments that beg the "nation" question. Don't know whether, however, that is his "final answer" but only the one that he believes is relevant to the current circumstance. Moreover, I believe that his deeply nuanced understanding of where to withdraw from particularly might not include Pashtun places where we are not in conflict.

As for Semple, I stand in deep reverence for what he knows, but a little skeptical about his "final answer." He is an Irishman deeply committed to bigger picture stuff, as he sees it, out in the field. How that may or may not relate to US interests is, I think, a jump ball. Especially where US interests may, for example, be fractional to the overall international interests at play there. Who knows what deals are being sketched out between the US and Pakistan? I don;t, but can't see the big picture without it.

Fortunately, I have the time and access to a lot of the DC think tanks, so it is fun to make this stuff available to our members for review and comment.

Jump in all you want.
