This is a truly bizarre piece, that says far more about the paranoid world that some ideologues live in than it does about anything else.

First, it characterizes NIAC as "widely considered the de facto lobby for the Iranian regime in America." Really? If so, it has an odd way of showing it:

NIAC Condemns Executions, Recent Human Rights Violations in Iran
Written by NIAC
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Iranian-Americans speak out over death sentences for post-election detainees and execution of juvenile
For Immediate Release

Washington DC - The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) condemns a decision by the Iranian Justice Ministry to impose death sentences on three Iranians for allegedly participating in post-election protests. The three sentenced to execution, Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani, Arash Pour-Rahmani, and Hamed Rouhinejad, were not given adequate access to legal representation during their trials, and were coerced into giving "confessions" that were the basis for their sentences, according to Amnesty International.
This announcement came within days of the execution of Behnoud Shojaii, a juvenile offender who was hanged in Tehran's Evin prison on October 11. Shojaii was under the age of 18 when sentenced to death.

Iran ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1994 which explicitly forbids the practice of executing juveniles, however executions have continued in Iran to such an extent that Tehran is the world's leader in the practice. In 2004, the judiciary proposed to effectively end the practice of executing minors; however, it was largely ignored by judges and officials. In recent years, Iran has come under increased scrutiny by human rights organizations for this gross human rights abuse, among many others.

NIAC Calls for New Election in Iran
Written by NIAC Staff
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Condemn Government's Use of Violence and Killing of its Citizens

TEL: 202-215-0998

The National Iranian American Council (NIAC), the largest organization of Iranian-Americans in the US, released the following statement in response to ongoing violence in Iran:

The National Iranian American Council strongly condemns the government of Iran's escalating violence against demonstrators and reiterates its demand that the government cease using lethal force against unarmed protesters and bystanders.

The only plausible way to end the violence is for new elections to be held with independent monitors ensuring its fairness. Such elections would be consistent with the Iranian constitution.

We support President Obama's decision not to take sides in the disputed election, particularly in the absence of any candidate calling upon him to do so. At the same time, the White House needs to speak vociferously against the bloodshed taking place before our eyes.

While the Iranian people's struggle for democracy is not new, Iran will never find internal or external balance unless the human rights, will, and needs of its people are met.

NIAC Condemns Prison Sentence for Iranian American Scholar
Written by NIAC Staff
Thursday, 22 October 2009
For Immediate Release

Washington DC - The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) condemns the Iranian Justice Ministry’s decision to sentence Iranian American Kian Tajbakhsh to 12 years in prison. On July 9, Mr. Tajbakhsh, a scholar of urban planning, was arrested at his home in Iran.

Mr. Tajbakhsh appeared at the mass trial of accused opposition leaders following the unrest of the highly questionable June 12 election. He was accused of contacting foreign agents and promoting activities dangerous to the government. During the trial, Mr. Tajbakhsh provided a vague confession which rights groups suspect was coerced, and which outlined his role in fomenting resistance to the June election in Iran.
The NIAC website has pages of condemnation of Iranian human rights abuses, electoral fraud, mistreatment of Bahais, etc

Second, it attacks the NIAC for having friendly relations with J-Street, the moderate American Jewish organization. J-Street is somehow labelled as "the anti-Israel lobby" despite having been endorsed by a former Israeli FM, a former IDF Chief of Staff, a former head of Mossad, a former israeli National Security Advisor, a former deputy head of the Israeli NSC, among others.

NIAC's Trita Parsi is condemned for associating with the Middle East Institute, with MEI characterized as "one of the public-relations agencies for the Muslim world in Washington." Yet a quick glance at the latest issue of MEI's flagship Middle East Journal shows it has scholarly (NOT policy) articles on political authoritarianism in Egypt, Morocco, and Qatar. Some PR, that.

Finally, and most bizarrely, Parsi is also condemned for writing a book on Israeli-Iranian relations that was--oh the horror of it--praised by former Israeli FM Shlomo Ben-Ami. What greater evidence of "anti-Semitism" could there be?