Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
There are, unfortunately, a lot of leaders out there who thrive on D & C. They don't really know why it is important but they are good at it because it is relatively easy to be good at and so they overemphasize its importance. I can remember being told when I was with 2nd ACR in the mid '90s that anytime we had a group of three or more soldiers going anywhere on foot, then one of them was required to march the rest. Typical Joes, we just spread ourselves out so that there was never more than two of us walking together. It was not uncommon to see five or ten groups of two guys walking at ten meter intervals down to the motor pool in the morning.

Don’t feel bad we were doing the same thing in 1AD.

D and C has its purpose but it doesn’t take much time be good enough at it. As for retirement parades and the like, total BS we waste soldier’s time and tax payers money just to stroke some fools ego. I’ll never forget we had a brigade change of command ceremony, the entire brigade had to come out for about 6 hours (counting practices time) the highlight was the wives’ choir singing every verse of the national anthem, soldiers where struggling to hold a salute for that long . . . what a waste of time.