Concur with western training tailored for something way more developed than Afghanistan. Please do send me any good info.

In response to the questions:

Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
1. What do these villagers produce? Of that, what do they consume locally, and what do they trade with other villages, towns or cities?
In 1 district, villagers produce only poppy. However they do not own the land. Land owners live in Kandahar City. In another district, villagers grow tobacco and wheat, tobacco to be sold in Pakistan. Wheat for consumption. Haven't really seen intra-village trade, but most goods go to KC or through Pakistan to Chaman.

Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
2. What do they consume? How much of that is produced locally, and how much comes from other villages, towns or cities?
They consume what they grow. Insufficient data for other question. Which is really a point I'd like to highlight that it is the lack of data such as this which makes decisions hard.

Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
3. How do they exchange value? How much of this local trade is based on currency, and what currency is it? How much local economic activity is based on barter?
Haven't seen anything based on barter yet, near KC, they use Afghani. Some contractors take dollars. Near the border, 50% they use rupees or whatever the currency Pakistan uses, and 50% afghani.

Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
4. What do or could the locals produce that could go to a larger market? What do they need in the way of additional infrastructure to produce it?
In Arghandab, pomegranates. They need everything on the value chain for pomegranates in terms of infrastructure.

Quote Originally Posted by J Wolfsberger View Post
5. Are there any micro-loan programs in place to finance starting or increasing production of goods for local consumption or trade? Why not?
USAID has a program called WOCCU. CERP has $500 micro grants. We are not allowed to give micro grants at this point of time due to some people in the unit not liking that idea.