The Marine Corps Search for a Mission, 1880-1898 by Jack Shulimson gives a good background to how the Marines reinvented themselves for the challenges of “colonial” warfare in the 20th Century.

Marines in the Dominican Republic 1916-1924 by S. M. Fuller and Graham A. Cosmas

The United States Marines in Nicaragua by Bernard C Nalty

Garde d'Haiti, 1915-1934: Twenty years of organization and training by the United States Marine Corps by James H McCrocklin

The United States Marines: A History by Edwin Howard Simmons

Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps by Allan R. Millet

Fix Bayonets! And Other Short Stories by John W. Thomason Jr. while technically “fiction” is more like an anthology of Thomason’s Marine Corps experiences. Several stories on Nicaragua and Haiti form the “And Other Short Stories” portion (the original Fix Bayonets! is WWI).

If you can access the Marine Corps University Library at Quantico there are a couple of decent Marine Corps histories written before WWII that cover the Banana Wars to some extent.