Here is an interesting article about Dutch troops and their strategy in Afghanistan.,1314326.story. I know people disparage the Dutch and their methods, but spending four months training with the Dutch Army has given me an appreciation for their professionalism, training, and doctrine. I find it interesting that their ink spot strategy and defense, development, and diplomacy concept are now being placed under scrutiny as the U.S. tries to develop a new strategy for Afghanistan. However, even with the potential increase in troop numbers, it will be impossible for ISAF forces to adopt such a strategy large scale.
AP and AA forces are a critical part of such a strategy, but every report I have seen says that these forces, especially the police, are incapable of securing large areas without a substantial ISAF presence. Furthermore, such a strategy leaves large portions of rural areas without any troop presence, giving the Taliban free reign in these areas. Thus, it is no surprise that the civilian population is unwilling to oppose the Taliban.
