Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
I would sooner opt to be a drug dealer, pimp, or politician - they are more respectable, imo.
Did you send in the fax to see your score break down? I took the october FSOT as well, and didn't pass, but found out I was quite close - 147.99 out of the 154 minimum.

My breakdown was pretty interesting: 61.22 job knowledge, 40.01 biographic, 46.76 english expression. Honestly I didn't realize before taking it that biographic mattered as much as job knowledge and english expression, though as a 22 year old two credits short of a bachelor's I didn't have many leadership experiences and whatnot to draw on. And I opted for the unfortunately popular political track. Analyzing politics for the government has been my dream job for the last couple years, and I have a deep passion for international relations theory. Oh well, there's always academia.

Good luck on your narratives/orals!