I read Peril in Pakistan by FB Ali on Pat Lamb's blog in which he linked to some recent polling data. Amongst which

On the Mumbai bombings they were first told that the Pakistan group Lashkar-e-Taiba were being fingered in the media.
Do you believe this? - 75% No, 7% Yes.
The follow up was
Who then? A third did not know 42% India, 20% US no one else exceeded 1%

If this is a true reflection of Pakistani public opinion it means that about one in every seven Pakistanis think that America sent its covert operatives to blow up a hotel in Mumbai and kill 146 civilians. Which is a little worrying as this is the population of our 'ally' against terrorism but they seem to think we are the terrorists.

Also when asked who they liked/disliked Osama bin Laden just beat their own Prime Minister in the popularity stakes (although neither did very well).