03 Bacon RG - The Marine Corps today has 3 Infantry Divisions and 3 Air Wings.

With supporting combat and logistic suport units the Marines have about 203 -205,000 troops

The Canadian Govt. should consider the Marine "Big Squad" concept of a Squad Leader and 3 fireteams equipted with 3 automatic weapons vs the smaller 9 or 10 man squads other military forces utilitize.

I'd point whoever is considering the big vs little squads argumements to the
Rifle Squad deliberations in the Trigger Puller forum cover the pros and cons in depth.

I'm a big fan of the Marine 13 man squad because I grew up in that environment. It works, it has depth, surivability and to ability to continue the attack and wreak losses on the enemy in a much higher ratio in a shorter length of time.

Ken White, who fought both sized squads in combat favors the more robust Marine Squad for serveral reason. That personal recommendation alone should convince any political, number crunching Scrooge in Canada.

I hope your politicans understand the generational threat we all face with the islamofacist elements who will not go away because we are capable of turning the other cheek.

I suspect there will be a lot of small war action in the next 30 years than having to defent the vast open spaces and depth in dfense your nation enjoys.