The "leaked" series of documents from a 'Lessons Learned' process within the UK military is oddly timed to coincide with the inquiry into the Gulf War, known as the Chilcot Inquiry: . Given that these documents refer to a low period in Anglo-US military relations gives me pause to think why now have they appeared?

Somewhere in my reading pile is an article on how close Anglo-US military relations are today, which I will locate tomorrow.

There is undoubtedly tension for some in the relationship, however 'Special', that after years of the UK military (Army) boasting of COIN prowess - that the "bubble" was painfully burst in Basra and IMHO in Helmand Province. As others have commented (such as: ) the UK failure is more than political, resources and more it includes our military leadership.

Some in UK Army realise - having seen them at firsthand in Helmand - that the USMC have rapidly learnt COIN and are now better than we are.