One of the general, underlying assumptions of the correlation is that money = status. This is, in actuality, quite problematic for many individuals and in a number of cultures since it is a reflection of a base metaphysics that abstracts "worth" outside of an individual. At best, it is a marginal return on investment in economic language.

Mike, if you are looking for a qualitative correlation, especially amongst young men, then look at the local requirements for getting married. This may be related to income, capital or status (i.e. position within a ranked social structure), but is unlikely to be directly correlated with "employment" (which is a quite recent concept and reality; roughly 1850's or so).

You also have to look really seriously at the local cultural matrix as well. This is what Rex is getting at in the Palestinian case, since cultures are quite able to create "vectors of aggression" in the social ranking systems. BTW, if you want a US version of that, watch Glee and look at the interaction between the football team and the Glee club .

