Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
It's interesting that this point comes up. I had a conversation with a special operations civil affairs soldier who was supporting a NSW team. He told the tale of doing well at one key leader engagement with a small sheik because they spent several hours talking about nothing but porn, sex, and the shiek's exploits.
It's very interesting that he brought this point up. My unit caught one bomb-maker, and outside of the bomb-making dvds we found, we found substational amounts of American and home-made deviant porn.

Also, Sayid Qutb supposedly had some issues with sex.

I've always wondered if that was a causal variable. Kinda hard to prove. It's like trying to figure out how many men are employed by a gang or insurgent group. Can you imagine a survey officer walking around asking,

"Excuse me, my records show that you are currently unemployed. Are you gainfully employed by al Qaeda?" Probably wouldn't go over very well.
