Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thornton View Post
Could you elaborate on that one for me. I know its important, but I'm smoked right now and can't think straight - which is why I'm calling it quits for today. A couple of short examples would be cool - I think your explanation will help me with something else I'm working through, but can't quite find away around - hard to explain - but I need to know why I'm not able to think this one through (to know where I'm tripping up) before I can fix it.
No worries, Mate. I think the last post covered some of it ut, basically, the taxonomy they are using sucks and isn't the same as the taxonomy of the folks you are working with. Added on to that is he probability that theguys who came up with the model haven't thought about how to "map" from their taxonomy onto the one used by your BTN. Think Djinn for an example.

On another note, for some reason my hardware seems bolixed up. I can't get my microphone to work so Gtalk may be out for a while <sigh>.
