Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
Ah, should have clarified - I wasn't talking about the ACC, I was talking about the ALDS.

OK that is an explicit dialogue with the resource decision makers... so we are in complete/total/unequivocal agreement...

and WILF...

you are right as well, but then again...

I think all this rhetoric, really covers up the issue that we in the US Army presumed was not an issue...

Our education systems were not rigorous enough... we had fallen into a paradigm in which the real hard "teaching" occurred at the CTCs... we said we were teaching how and not what to think, but in fact we were only in rare cases teaching exactly what to think...

In other words we bought our own bill of goods....

I think this document uses those terms and coaching the issues the way it does to both address that we need to be far better in teaching Soldiers how to deal with wicked problems... without explicitly acknowledging that we ought to have been doing better

Live well and row