Wow so this is what happens when I guy excuses himself from the rigor of writing for a respected news agency...

"yes, got it, adaptability is key for the future of the service -- but the points he makes getting there are just intellectually sloppy."

Ricks accusing Dempsey of being intellectually sloppy is the pot calling the kettle black...

"I mean, in interviews I did for The Gamble about how the counterinsurgency manual was written, TRADOC didn't come up much -- and when it did, it was portrayed as a minor obstacle."

Let's see the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) is a major subordinate organization of the Combined Arms Center... a Major Subordinate Command of TRADOC... so it is an organizational failing that the higher headquarters didn't get in the way of the subordinate organization's mission... if only it were so more often...

I wonder when was the last time Ricks spent some time, beyond a stop and pop to pimp a book, to discover how TRADOC/CAC is organized and what it is up to...

Rather you get this type of silliness (nicest term I could come up with)... recommend we just kill this one, it doesn't deserve much more...

Oh by the way, I may be the biggest critic of TRADOC...

Live well and row