CHAFFIN'S BLUFF, August 16, 1864.

Colonel Mosby reports that he attacked the enemy's supply train near Berryville on the 13th; captured and destroyed 75 loaded wagons and secured over 200 prisoners, including several officers, between 500 and 600 horses and mules, upward of 200 beef-cattle, and many valuable stores. Considerable number of the enemy killed and wounded. His loss 2 killed and 3 wounded.

R. E. LEE,

Honorable J. A. SEDDON,
Secretary of War.

CHAFFIN'S BLUFF, October 9, 1864.

Colonel Mosby reports that a body of about a thousand of the enemy advanced up the Manassas road on the 4th [with] trains of cars loaded with railroad material and occupied Salem and Rectortown. He attacked them at Salem, defeating them, capturing fifty prisoners, all their baggage, camp equipage, stores, &c., and killed and wounded a considerable number. His loss, two wounded. Enemy is entrenched at Rectortown with two long trains of cars. The railroad is torn up and bridges burned in their rear and all communications cut.

R. E. LEE.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON,
Secretary of War.

CHAFFIN'S BLUFF, October 16, 1864.

On the 14th instant Colonel Mosby struck the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Duffield's; destroyed U. S. military train consisting of locomotive and ten cars, securing twenty prisoners and fifteen horses. Among the prisoners are two paymasters with $168,000 in Government funds.

R. E. LEE.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON,
Secretary of War.

Source: Official Records, Series 1, Volume 43, Part 1, page 633