Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
One of the old retired NCOs at my old military school credits the DuPuy bunkers with saving their lives at the Battle of Ap Gu. Enormous mortar barrage preceded the assault upon their position. They survived the mortar barrage and then repelled an assault so fierce that even the Chaplain was engaged in hand-to-hand fighting (literally choked a few enemy to death - BADASS!).
My primary MOS was 11B4P my secondary was 11C4P. The primary HE mortar round we fired was fused to detonate about a 1/2 second before impact. Point being it did not penetrate the ground. If you were in any hole and didn't receive a direct hit you would probably survive. Mortars are vicious against Infantry that are exposed, not so good if they are dug in unless you can alter the fusing mechanism. Artillery/Indirect fire invented EBO a long time ago

Yea, that Chaplin was a bad dude.

IMO the Parfox is basically designed like Old Medieval Forts. The inside of the firing ports were BEVELED at an angle so you could stand behind solid rock and shoot at the enemy (with a crossbow) from an angle all day long and not be effected by enemy fire.