Quote Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
I would offer that AWG as currently organized makes little sense... the same as the 1st IO Command... they were aligned they way they were in order to take them "out of the system"... much like an AD HOC planning element...
I think the good outweighs the bad. To me, these arrangements are analogous (maybe not by design) to spinning off subsidiaries or joint ventures in the business world to develop a new competency/technology/skill.

AWG, 1st IO, and similar do in-house training, farm out their personnel in support of other units, learn, then personnel come back, share lessons with fellow "subject matter experts" (for lack of a better term), and then adjust their training... and repeat. Imo, they provide a higher quality augmentee than individual units are currently poised to provide and they help to speed up the process of developing a new (or neglected) competency.

Obviously, we would all prefer greater unit integrity, rather than augmentees, but the general lack of competence/proficiency/etc across the force in certain areas makes the ad hockery a good plan for now. The lack of unit integrity is mitigated by having only Officers and (usually senior) NCOs in these units who generally don't need a lot of supervision. They show up having done their own SRP and bringing their own gear and put little to no logistical burden on the receiving unit.

Just my take on the situation. I have no idea what the actual intent was for said ad hoc arrangements. But, those are the upsides as I see it.