I think I'm going to excuse myself from this thread only because I seem to have clouded the discussion rather than shed light... but as a last ditch effort at explaining myself...

I argued, and still hold the opinion, that the current C2 alignment of AWG and to a lesser extent 1st IO Command are less than logical... just an opinion, but I think if after 4-5 years... they still exist because they still add value... then we might think about making them a more permanent fixture... and if we think the system can't take the shock, then we might be better off healing the system rather than working around...

It was not my intent to denigrate the efforts or contribution of either organization.... Both are professional and provide added value to their "customers"....

But, and its a big but, is something that has existed for 4-5 years still considered ad hoc... and if its not, I'd argue that its not, why still held out as extra-ordinary in C2 arrangement??? and if the reason is institutional ineptness... might want to put a little energy into fixing that... then again I think TRADOC is perfectly capable of institutionalizing AWG, might even help it transform from within...

My original beef was with a "personality" who decided to take an ad hominen swipe at TRADOC in general and General Dempsey in particular, and cited as an example the creation of FM 3-24 which in fact was perfect illustration of TRADOC writ large and CG, TRADOC in particular (then General Wallace) acting/not-acting exactly as designed...

I now bow... head bloody and beaten... and back away from the thread

Just an idle thought.... but as the or