(editorial note: we all know nothing is a novel idea unless it came from Ken White)
Nay, not so -- tons of good novel ideas here from a great many folks on a daily basis. There are also those who will acknowledge the status quo is not good but surprisingly, still defend it...

Take ad-hocery, that's the way the US of A always fights. Having served with a few ad-hoc aggregations and seen the good and bad, I have no particular problem with it. My contributions aren't novel, they are simply what I have seen work -- or not -- over many years. What never works is hidebound bureaucracy...

I was in the 7th Inf Div when it began converting from straight-leg to light in the early 1980s. Most of the World War II triangular infantry divisions in Europe had an attached battalion of armor. Perhaps armor or mech infantry battalions could be attached or made organic to light infantry brigades. Sort of a modular TOE, if you will.
Like you, I served in regular infantry divisions -- including the 7th in Korea post war -- the old style Infantry Division TOE had a lot going for it and IMO it was a mistake to 'lighten' of 'heavy-ize' all of them.

Lot of experimenting will occur with TOEs in the near future, I suspect. The so-called modular concept we're now under is proving that some aspects work and others don't. I think the Division as an echelon should go away but their should be light, medium and heavy Bdes, I think -- each has a niche in which to operate.