Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
"Taking a knee" generally refers to taking a breather. "Tapping out" would be the proper phrase for quitting. I don't know how it can be considered a "put down" to consider a non-operational assignment to be "taking a knee." It's just an acknowledgment that the tempo in operational assignments is far more intense than a non-deployable position.
I don't know. During my year in TRADOC I thought the tempo was much higher than it was when I was deployed. I mean, much of my 'operational' time was taken up in sitting around, waiting, watching turbaned men lounging around mud buildings, trying to stay awake, chatting, etc. Yeah, the days were long and no days off, and every now and then somebody tried to kill me. But high optempo?

I'm pretty sure I spent more time engaged in actual work behind a desk at Fort Knox then I did in Afghanistan. I imagine there are some 'take a knee' type jobs out there, somewhere...but there aren't many.