2.Are the older textbooks accurate for the things we need them to be. I don’t have pre-Calculus anymore and won’t be taking Calculus but this sounds like something useful for college. It would be useful to learn that (A*Derivative of B-Derivative of B*A/A*A) instead of F*D(G)-G*D(F)/F*F.

3.We already study military victory’s in Psych and Advanced Psych(which is a college course).

4.Good reading list, but I read Ender’s Game in sixth grade(and still pick it up on a yearly basis) and the Odyssey in 9th. I’ll probably be picking up the Illiad for the reasons you mentioned.

6.I have shoulder length hair. In Nebraska, this leads people to believe that I do drugs(haven’t even tried them), drink(nope), and/or smoke(which I don’t).

I’ve been that, it’s incredibly useful on pre-tests.

Unfortunately there are no mountains/hills in Nebraska. Oh, and I’m already in an organizations that gives me leadership experience along with general(history and electives) classes.

I’m in Spanish III(it’s a five year course). I find it’s best to turn your movie and game settings to Spanish and put on subtitles.

Thankfully my English teacher cares more about us than her job. She, instead of teaching us how to write an essay the Junior English approved way, graded us on the SAT essay score which emphasizes logic and flow.

Unfortunately where I live is a mix of German/Irish and Mexican/Hispanic. Therefore I won’t be dating anyone outside of the languages and cultures I already speak or am studying.

Steve Blair-
I’m very interested in History, both military and civil.

Guy. However, I don’t have an email address and just use throw away accounts. That would be my mother’s email address.