Hi Cole,

Quote Originally Posted by Schoolkid View Post
I don’t plan on going into any field that needs extensive calc, but it still is good problem solving practice.
I didn't either - then I discovered how useful Hildebrandt Space could be for what I do (I'm a symbolic Anthropologist) . It's definitely worth getting if you can, as is almost any dialect of math.

Quote Originally Posted by Schoolkid View Post
About Psych, we studied the Christmas truce on the Western Front, among other things, and subjects related to it. Deionization of the enemy, propaganda, why the officers tried to stop it. Psych is a social science and our teacher knows we’ll actually try to learn if we get interested in it so he ties it to parenting/war/money.
Interesting; sounds like you actually have a good teacher ! I remember listening to my great uncle and his friends as a young kid talking about it. In many ways, it presaged the actual way that WW I ended when you think of it.

Personally, I wouldn't call most of Psychology a "social science", although some of it is. From the sounds of it, what you are getting is primarily the social psych side of things. It would be very useful for you to learn as much as you can about the neuro-psych / neuro-biology side of things as well. I've found over the years that the best way to engage in a critical analysis is to be able to come at it from multiple directions, and having a fairly solid grounding in neuro-psych / neuro-bio is an excellent place to start one of those directions.

Quote Originally Posted by Schoolkid View Post
My hair is straight but I don’t put it in a ponytail, may I ask why I should? I’m fairly white(can’t catch a tan) and have glasses so looking like a nerd shouldn’t be a problem. And of course, I don’t act like a hippie.
Pony tails are a cultural signal that even though you may have long hair, you "fit in". They have become icons inside the IT sector for a particular type of programmer / analyst, and they signal that you are "not a drone". And, just in case you are wondering, I have longer hair than you and keep it in a pony tail ! Personally, I find it exceptionally useful since most of my work is with corporate clients and the military; the pony tail acts as a sign that while I can act as one of "them" I am not, which is very useful for anthropologists.

On another note, there's no need to shift your user ID. Why not get a 'net based, free email email account and stick with a single ID? It makes it easier for everyone.

