Our teacher forces us to view most lesson through the 6 major approaches to psychology: functionalism, behaviorism, psychoanalytic, physiological, social-cognitive, and humanistic.

I created a new account because I didn’t want anyone to think I was trolling due to the email address I was using.

Truth varies from person to person. To a schizophrenic person the truth could be that all cats really are conspiring to assassinate them. It all depends on perceptions. What I mean to say that the “Truth” is shapeless and will transform according to what and how important the information I take in is.

Oh, and alternatively, find twenty role models and take what you like from each.

Adam L-
Don’t state a thesis well. How hard is it to say, “Mac McLeod uses manipulation to dictate the tempo of action.”, or “For decades this Dream has reduced generation after generation of Americans to ashes.” Can you give me an example of a cyclical argument? The only ones I have seen are example, Mr. Lyon is the greatest teacher ever because he is the best.