Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
This can only be settled at a conference table by senior diplomats and leaders, and due to the many divergent interests will require some very creative statecraft. Someone order up some creative senior people for State.
While that is probably how it will need to be resolved, I don't think it will ever get to the table due to the efforts of those people. An issue this thorny will be kept under the rug unless a lot of large NGOs rally a lot of public concern in many countries and make a loud clamor for the self-determination of the ethnic groups in that area - not just the Pashtun, but the Baloch, too.

I often wonder if Pakistan exists for any reason other than the benefit of its ruling class. The instability in Kashmir, NWFP, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan seem to be justified only so that the Pakistani government will not fall, because they need to remain in control, because they have nukes. If they didn't have nukes, what would be the point? Propping up a government that requires a large region of instability to remain in power - what a way to run a planet.