Hi, Slap

I was puzzled by your comment but checked out the link.
I was aware of the new pipeline to China having just opened but not of the ASCOPE group (thanks for that).

Being still puzzled by your comment about definitions, I googled ASCOPE and was informed as to its usual (military) meaning.
So now I get it.
I continue to learn from you guys... there are many acronyms that I don't always understand.

But speaking of pipelines, this should be of concern not only to Alaskans (published this morning):

The larger concern here is a legitimate one: once a supply system appears to be unviable (for whatever reason), it may be abandoned.
The sudden loss of oil which might otherwise be brought to market could accelerate the drop in production.

In the case of Alaska, the drop in production has physical as well as fiscal effects to the pipeline.
Pipelines are expensive to maintain, especially in such a harsh climate.
It's not clear how the interplay between declining production and increasing maintenance costs will evolve....