Quote Originally Posted by infntryldr View Post
I guess I want to do something that relates to the military. Whether that is an analyst of somesort, or intelligence, just not sure what there is out there, and if I have the right experience.
One technique that works pretty well is to start listing out what you want to do, in terms of tasks and, ideally, some rough type of ends. Forget about job titles, positions or organizations; just concentrate on tasks and ends. Once you have a decent list, then prioritize them along a "must have; like to do; and okay with scale" - anything rating below that, just drop. Then do the same with your ideal type of working environment, including all of the HR stuff (pay, benefits, etc., etc.).

What this does is to give you two lists - one of tasks and one of environment. This is when you start looking around for positions that match those tasks. This, in turn, should do several things. First, it should identify what types of additional skills / tasks that you missed, and second, it should start giving you a very preliminary list of organizations (and position names) that roughly match what you are really looking for.

When you've done that, PM me for more .



ps. Yeah, i used to be a career counsellor in a previous incarnation