This is correct:
"The paternalistic assertion that the government can keep us all safe without our help."
At least to an extent. There is no way the government can keep us all safe; with or without our help. so he's sorta got that right -- then he blows it by telling us what the governemtn should do in his opinion to keep us a little safer...

The five myths:

1. Terrorism is the gravest threat facing the American people. True, that's a myth and his suggestion makes sense:
"While we cannot expect to be completely successful at intercepting terrorist attacks, we must get a better handle on how we respond when they happen."
Unfortunately, that neglects the fact that the Politicians in both parties have no incentive to get that better handle. If they did that, they could no longer vilify their opponents for not doing so. That is more important to many in Politics than are sensible policies.

2. When it comes to preventing terrorism, the only real defense is a good offense. That's not a myth, that's correct -- the issue is the word "good." We have not done a good job largely due to domestic politics. See item 1. above. Recall that offense can take a great many forms, it need not be CT and HVT DA...

3. Getting better control over America's borders is essential to making us safer. Not possible on several levels, not least due to the sheer magnitude of the problem, the great diversity of this nation. Politcal malfeasance, political correctness and incompetence do not help.

4. Investing in new technology is key to better security. Wrong answer -- dropping political correctness would do more good than all the new technology we could buy. A little common sense and an American recognition that technology and throwing money at problems would also be an asset..

5. Average citizens aren't an effective bulwark against terrorist attacks. That is a myth. PROVIDED the government loses its holier than thou attitude and empowers its citizens instead of suggesting, thinking and treating them as though they're all a bunch of sheep. Someone let me know when that occurs...

For all those mythettes, see Item 1, above -- until we elect decent people to Congress and rectify their venality and party loyalty ahead of concern for their Oaths and the Nation, there will be no improvement.