We have to be careful here. Just because Yemen's so-called "government" (which controls 1/3 of the country) is ostensibly anti-AQ doesn't mean they're worth backing.

The current ruler of Yemen routinely describes all his potential enemies as AQ in order to get assistance to jail/attack/kill them. While AQ is a real presence, not all the rebels in Yemen are AQ, as they are involved in a civil war.

Backing a thug regime under the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" rule hasn't generally worked well for us in the long term, and generally has spawned more terrorists willing to attack the US because we undermine our own stated commitment to democracy and human rights. As a reporter I know said:

do you want to take the side of a dictator against his people? do you want to be identified with that dictator and with his victims? then dont be surprised when they try to blow up your planes
I don't fully agree with the above, but he has a point. I say caution before wading into a civil war we don't fully understand under the banner of chasing AQ.