
The information access that you pointed out was what I, too, used as an XO. My supply sergeant was great and I taught him to use it and he routinely did the checks such as those you illustrate. I made several trips to the class II and IX warehouses to demand "WTF?" when one of his checks revealed SNAFUs such as that (with emphasis on the "N").

My concern is the data access (as opposed to information tracking). If I could get my hands on a spreadsheet or csv or xml file or something that had NSNs, CIICs, UIs, class of supply, for all end items, COEI, BII, AAL, and a listing of authorized -20 class II and IX parts for those end items, then I could match this up with a company MTOE and create a program that would spit out not just hand receipts, but arms room cards and SHRs, bar-coded labels for parts bins, a system to track maintenance, FLIPLs, lateral transfers, new issues, codeouts, 5988E and DCR tracking system, supply and PLL/QSS inventories, etc. I did this with a primitive database as an XO. Now that I am a better programmer and have significantly more free time, I could create something significantly more user friendly that would automate all of that crap, reduce errors, and make it easier to identify when the crews and/or maintenance chief are BS-ing, identify where supplies are being wasted, and a slew of other things. I'm sure others could do even more impressive things. I don't understand why the data isn't available in some form that is easy to obtain. I could do queries into LOGSA or FEDLOG (if I still had access) one query at a time. But that would take about a year.

Look at all of the Apps that have sprung up for smartphones. Imagine if the Army made some limited data - such as unclassified NSNs - more readily available to facilitate creative individual innovations. Then again - I've been out of a year now - has this stuff already happened?