Latest quotes from Ambassador Holbrooke sounds like Bob wrote. Who is the "threat?"
Enticing non-ideological militants to quit the fight could help US forces turn the tide of the Afghan insurgency against the Taliban.
Holbrooke said, referring to non-ideological combatants.They fight for various reasons; they are misled about our presence there. They have a sense of injustice or personal grievances. Or they fight because it’s part of the Afghan tradition that you fight outsiders and they have the [International Security Assistance Force]/NATO/U.S. presence conflated with earlier historical events, some of which are not too far in the past,
The United States did not focus on winning over non-ideological militants to the government’s side during the first year of Holbrooke’s tenure largely because last year’s presidential election diverted his team’s attention. It will become a priority in 2010, however.Holbrooke said."It’s absolutely imperative that we deal with this issue. If we don’t deal with it, success will elude us.