Each year the World Bank puts out a book-length publication on an aspect of international development, called the World Development Report. Recent WDRs have, for example, focused on youth (2007), agricultural development (2008), changing economic geography (2009), and the environment (2010). The 2011 edition will focus on conflict and development:

Violent conflict is a major development challenge: conflict causes human misery, destroys communities and infrastructure, and can cripple economic prospects. Poverty rates in conflict-affected countries are averaging 54 percent, compared with 22 percent for low-income countries as a whole. The goal of this World Development Report is to contribute concrete, practical suggestions to the debate on how to address and overcome violent conflict and fragility.
As part of the process, the 2011 WDR team has set up a blog, which may be of interest to the SWJ community: http://blogs.worldbank.org/conflict/

I'm sure they would welcome input and feedback--especially with regard to where they should best focus their attention. While the WDR is the primary output of the project, there is also scope for other ongoing contributions, products, and outputs.