Quote Originally Posted by sgmgrumpy View Post
Interesting Survey. The website has alot of information as well.

Human Security Baseline Assessment Small Arms Survey, Geneva Sep 2006

Small Arms Survey Main Site
Every time I see something like this, I cringe. Blaming inanimate objects for complex problems seems to be a "universal solution" for the international activist type.

The "small arm" becomes the totem of both the soldier, and the peacenik, and the peacenik's solution is to simply remove the "small arm". Of course, when combined with military defeat, the symbolism might be effective (We beat you, so we get to remove/you have to give up your totem).

But short of military defeat, removing small arms is a) not practical and b) setting the stage for a "peace without justice" where the large and powerful no longer have to respect the small but well-armed.

It's also possible that c) setting the stage for a future conflict based on the forced disarmament.

Rearming is not a very difficult thing to do, or faking disarmament in the first place is a possibility.