Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
I spent hours searching the internet for any organization that was going to Haiti that I could tag along with. I am not a doctor, or a search and rescue specialist, nor do I have any experience in massive humanitarian disasters. What I am is able-bodied, a self-starter, someone who takes charge, willing to go, and adaptive. There were no slots for someone with those attributes.
As weird as this sounds (one would think a physically fit volunteer would be able to lift sierra, drive trucks, etc.), most of the aid agencies demand at least 10-years experience and previous overseas assignments for disaster relief volunteers. They justify these requirements because they are responsible for the volunteer's well-being (food, shelter, health and security) and will even go as far as saying you're more of a burden than assistance

The Estonian Disaster Relief Team (EDRT) under international law certifies that all her members meet the very same criteria. EDRT EOD Techs are required to speak a foreign language and possess at least 2 overseas tours in addition to the minimum 10-year rule.

Begs the question - how to get those two tours and obtain the disaster groupie team "pledge pin" if nobody will let you start

Yes, I have the pledge pin and shoulder patch too (Little did Tom know, by sending me into real sierra holes in the 90s I would by default possess the 2-tour requirement)