I'm glad to see you bring that up, Tom. I recently became involved in an exchange on-line with a historian, over OIF I. His position was that the things which I witnessed could not have happened, because they are not listed in the "official history". The official historian has passed away, and left his draft, and this historian was attempting to complete the history.

Not to speak ill of the dead, but the "history" as written, was a rah rah puff piece, with the majority of the "bones" of the piece formed by interviews over a year later of a shockingly small number of folks who, to a great extent, had skeletons to hide. The incidents/happenings I experienced were historically "un-happened." I think most historians would be surprised at how unmotivated and ill-informed the guy keeping the operational logs are as well.

BTW, the point that I made, which started the internet "food-fight" was how incredibly uncoordinated the initial invasion really was. 3ID had one idea of how it was to go, the CSS folks had another, and the MEF had yet another idea of what "Commander's Intent" consisted of.

I look at "Official Histories" in a completely different light, now.