RAND, 14 Jan 09: The Impact of U.S. Military Drawdown in Iraq on Displaced and Other Vulnerable Populations: Analysis and Recommendations
Groups at particular risk as U.S. forces depart Iraq include:

  • tens of thousands of Iraqis and their families who are affiliated with the United States in any of a variety of ways

  • smaller minorities among Iraq’s permanent citizens who have relied on U.S. forces for

  • Palestinians who took refuge in Iraq under the Saddam Hussein government

  • other refugee groups from outside Iraq who have taken shelter in that country over the years

  • the Mujeheddin e-Khalq (MEK), a cult-like dissident group from Iran that received sanctuary in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in 1991 and whose members have since lived in their own enclave, from 2003 to early 2009 under the protection of U.S. forces

  • contractors from around the world who work for U.S., other coalition, and Iraqi companies in construction, food services, and myriad other jobs and who may lack documentation.