Currently in CGSC 10-01.
Quote Originally Posted by Cliff View Post

1. Is there a set curriculum, or do you pick classes?
THere is a set cirriculum, but the last third of the course is 2 elective periods- you must take a regional, and there are some other particular requirements possible, depending on your branch.
2. Is a Master's offered?
You can take an MMAS- it consists of 3 courses (which count as 4 of your 8 electives), an oral defense and an oral comprehensive exam. I started (until I was selected fo the second year for SAMS), and it was easier/less hassle than my peers taking civilian masters programs
3. Is a language offered/required?
Yes. You can take any language in the Rosetta Stone series, and there are programs from DLI for Iraqi Arabic and Dari. Both count for elective credit
4. Are there any TDYs/trips to the field?
Yes, there are several exchanges (Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, off the top of my head) and at least 2 staff rides (Gettysburg and the Indian Wars), but they are all optional- elective credit. You have to apply for the exchanges, and sign up for the staff rides.
5. Any advice on where to live while at CGSC?
Depends on your situation. If you have a family, I recommend you live on post. They are building lots of new housing, and have gotten rid of the worst of the old housing. Single? Most live over to KC, MO, in Platte City or even further- its only about 30 minutes. There are also some places in Leavenworth, if you aren't as interested in the night life.
I am sure I'll have a lot more questions, and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!

