Thanks for writing what I was supposing I was going to have to (until of course I read your post)...

Rule one of MDMP: Understand the problem, if you don't, don't worry you will continue to return to Mission Analysis until you do...

Rule two of MDMP: If you come away with a shared understanding of the problem, the process largely served its purpose... because you can then develop...

(head node to Eden)

A rough idea of the problems that will crop up
A vague notion of the resources required for various levels of success
A primitive understanding of the political, social, and economic influences at work
A draft list of possible indicators and barely adequate measures of effectiveness/progress
A lot of blank spaces in your understanding and situational awareness that various staff weenies can go away to try to fill in

I think the intellectual discord John senses is that we have plenty of senior officers who just want a series of decision points and 3 x 5 cards handed to them at the end of the process as opposed to being an active participant at specific points in the process...

Live well and row