Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
I will remove some of the recent posts to another, new thread and keep this thread on Haiti & Canada.
...and with that sensible suggestion, back to the original topic:

Canada prepares to host Haiti recovery meeting
Toronto Star
Last Updated: 24th January 2010, 12:41pm

OTTAWA — Canada is preparing to welcome foreign ministers from around the globe Monday who will plot a path forward for earthquake-ravaged Haiti.

Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon said the gathering of nations will not be a "pledging conference" but an initial, critical step forward on the long road to Haiti's recovery.

"Together with the government of Haiti, we need to roll up our sleeves and begin to lay the groundwork for the enormous task ahead," Cannon said during a briefing with reporters Sunday. "My objectives for this meeting are simple but necessary: We need to arrive at a common understanding and commitment on certain basic principles of responsibility, accountability and long-term engagement."

Fourteen countries, including the U.S., France, Japan and Mexico, will participate in the conference along with international financial institutions and non-government organizations such as the Red Cross, Oxfam and Care Canada. Cannon hopes participants will define a "road map" for long-term tasks that lie ahead.

Cannon said the focus of the government is also on repatriating the remains of Canadian victims of the earthquake since the Government of Haiti declared the search and rescue phase over Saturday. He said the government is working through a number of "complex logistical issues" related to identification and proper documentation of individuals.

To date, 19 Canadians are confirmed dead and 216 are still missing after the Jan. 12 earthquake.
