Quote Originally Posted by tankersteve View Post
Some of my Canadian friends have told me of pulling sledges while wearing snowshoes, with 2 Soldiers pulling the sledge with over-the-shoulder traces, while a third pushes and steers.
Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
Not just Canadians. At Ft. Richardson we had/have akio sleds as well. We cursed them from the bottoms of our airborne hearts btw.
Good old winter warfare and the tobaggan groups. Although they enable us to live and operate in cold environments (been out in -30 C to - 40 with them), I often wonder what sort of tactical or operational effect we'd hope to achieve with them, although the unique TTPs make the training worthwhile (almost everyone takes winter warfare training to some extent up here).

I've never worked with the Canadian Rangers in the Arctic, but I understand they use snowmobiles/dog teams. Snow and cold sllloooowwws operations right down - you spend 80% of your effort and energy fighting the climate. Foot mobility is severely hampered, although snowshoes help and a BV 206 is a godsend.

I've often figured that if we had to fight in this sort of environment, we could just set up, piquet the bad guys (whatever they were doing in such a barren environment), and let mother nature do the rest.